We are designer, manufacturer and exporter of all kinds of ultramodern and classic bags especially handbags from China.
We mainly supply ladies fashion handbags, men handbags, laptop bags, backpacks and promotion items, which are made from materials such as PU, PVC, leather, canvas and nylon. Meanwhile, OEM and ODM orders from clients are welcomed. Our services: 1) Pre-sales: quick counter-offer and good sampling service; 2) Before di***tch: reporting the production situation and the resul...
Company: |
Guangzhou Daming Leather Factory
Contact: |
Mr. Ansen Zeng |
Address: |
No.5,Xinlian Road, Xinlian Indus Are |
Postcode: |
Tel: |
86 20 86852176 |
Fax: |
86 20 86852176 |
E-mail: |